[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I’m not twisting them at all, I’m just telling you what your words imply you think, something you should really already know if you’re a villager.

Yes you are twisting my words around Ici.

twist me around icibalus-chan

Oh come on. You claimed that Apprentice should have claimed Masons, right? Mason claims are a drastic measure, you know. Something you’d use to save a slot that would otherwise die, usually from being bussed…

So now you’ve accepted that without intervention Napoleon was a dying slot, what next? Rhetorical question time! Why wouldn’t Apprentice let Napoleon coast to his death if he was a wolf?

Oh, not answering? Too busy wondering what to do in wolfchat? Oh well, I’ll answer it for you. Apprentice and the other wolves couldn’t let Napoleon just coast to his death because he’d die to a villager and that villager would get all the perceived credit.

Why wouldn’t Apprentice claim Masons or something of the sort? Because it’s too risky! Your play in Insurgency worked because there was a lot more mechanical fuckery going on in that game that saved you from the axe, as well as my idiotic misinterpretation of your NA. If either of them dies, that’s two wolves killed by the fake IC claim instead of one. Napoleon got himself into this situation, remember? If they actually thought they could save him by the Mason claim, he’d never have claimed in the first place, hypothetically.

Now we’ve established that Apprentice shooting Napoleon could very easily have been a bus, let’s shift focus to you, Leafia.

NPCs could self target @Solic

Because of how powerful Nappy would get as more wolves died.

We have not established that at all Ici. It’s not possible for it to have been a bus.

You think that Napoleon was surviving D2 with a fake IC claim, long enough to use those extra abilities?

I was also AFK which was why I didn’t answer right away.

It’s definitely a possibility and you know it. Also, what you and I think doesn’t matter in that regard.

No, not really. If Napoleon was alive when ITAs began, he’d be shot target number one. People would be shooting him before anyone else. At that point, he was guarenteed to be the first wolf to die.

So the wolves either had to bus him or save him. Saving him was a reckless endeavour bound to fail, because the real Chloe would at that point be 100% convinced that Napoleon was a wolf, and even rescinding the claim would likely not change that. Tell me, Leafia, what is the only sensible move from there?

Nothing is guaranteed Ici and who’s to say wolves don’t have a way of faking that shot to fakeconfirm he was Chloe?

Because if that had happened, the real Chloe would have outed and confirmed it as fake.

Your argument is solely that nothing is guarenteed. Does that apply to N’s actions in the event, hmm?

Not necessarily. The real Chloe might’ve thought he was doing it to protect them.

Stop twisting my words. It’s just making you look more and more wolfy.

I’m not twisting them at all. I’m simply pointing out that you don’t have a consistent response to data regarding the same person. In both cases, you simply selected the choice that would make Apprentice a villager,.