[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I was presenting simmilar possibilites to explain why your rabid certainty that N thought he was killing everyone was wrong, but you dismissed them out of hand there. I could do the same here.

Wrong. You are twisting my words to make it seem like I’m saying something that I’m not actually saying, and you’re doing it in a way that reeks of agenda. If you were so certain that App was a wolf, you’d be pushing to lynch me to confirm it. Not App.

Watch: Apprentice could never have done that! That could never have happened! Leafia is Godfather guys, haha!

/vote Leafia


how about now?

At this point, you’re just openwolfing here.

Buddy, if I was openwolfing, you’d be calling me TWTBAW.

It’s true that leading you into saying a bunch of nonsense that I could then use to expose your inconsistent perspective was a bit dishonest, but I think postgame people will say it was worth it.

No I wouldn’t. I know that there’s no such thing as TWTBAW. If I thought there was, then I would be saying that about you right now.

Notice that I’ve driven you to a state where you can’t say anything substantial about me, because you know I’m right.

In fact, you’ve almost convinced me that you are TWTBAW. I don’t know what to.think right now, but I’m certain that App is town. The world where he isn’t just doesn’t exist.

Gee, the guy who shot the number one bus target and was just there when a guy made a play that would make zero sense if he was actually only playing the event with villagers is conf v? Tell me more.

I’ve never heard you say that before. It’s not like you haven’t actually been arguing with me and have instead been making vague ad honinem allusions to my argument while stating the same thing over and over again, is it?

I didn’t think it was likely Maxi would claim a reviver then use it to wolfside if he was a wolf.

Sulit tried to use a desperado shot on me me, so yeah.

No. I know that you’re wrong.

…I’m literally proven to be lock clear because of Sulit.

Yes, I am aware.

Excuse the actions of Past Ici, he was still under the impression that Apprentice was lock v.

I’m glad that you’re on now Alice. Sorry for doubting you earlier. You were right. Ici is the lynch for today.

Not an argument. Just a series of contradictions.

Alice isn’t going to save you. Surely you’ve figured out what the actual intent of this argument is?