[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

like as in who would we prefer to get bonked at this stage?

gun to head leafia, maybe


yeah we definitely don’t have any abilities at all

interesting thing to say without knowing our abilities

Even she’s trying to convince you to vote for her the way I see it. In fact, what she said would be enough to lock my vote on her if I was you. If anyone tries pressuring me the way she’s pressuring you, I kind of stop caring if I win or not just to spite them.

probably Leafia?

You can’t kill me, I can’t kill you. Nobody has any other voting mechs aside from my NPCs.

We’re effectively playing a mountainous.

see I don’t do that

her threats are valid. I’m trying to figure things out as logically as I can. please, all of you, stop trying to convince me emotionally

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we can’t kill you, but we do have a way to kill Marshal if he sides Alice and this isn’t a bluff or any of that crap

alright all chips on the table

Wrong. He does want to be against you because you’re pressuring him. Face it. You know you messed up revealing and you’re scared.

so now no matter who I side i get spite killed :slightly_frowning_face:

that is also true I don’t know why I didn’t consider that yet

if Marshal doesn’t execute correctly today within us 3 we can kill him (and have no reason not to as we lose to Alice) so he’s running a 1/3

siding with us is a 1/2


you are all enforcing ultimatums

I probably don’t even win this fucking game now because y’all are both saying “i can kill marshal 100% tonight ezez”

People have been claiming non-stop this match and you’ve guys had only a consistent 1 KPN.

It’s a bluff.

App is right too. We can kill Marshal if he sides with you Alice. You have no such way and I know you wouldn’t deny him his win regardless of what happens.


please stop this

you are both enforcing ultimatums and I can’t match both!

because I dislike the whole “side with me or you’ll die” in kingmakers since it feels pretty shitty to be on the receiving end and isn’t a fun tactic, but it’s true at this point and Marshal is a player who will make logical decisions