[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

You also had 0 correct scumreads. And 0 correct townreads. Good job.

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both dead chats are public

Because when they push them they gey day vigged :sunglasses:

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Can you ping me in them?

while i was alive
then when i was dead, before anything was revealed or i even talked to anybody or read dead chat at all, i got one-two correct scumreads

Like, you can’t expect to win a huge mash using only fucking mechanics.

Good thing this isn’t a huge mash

It’s 31 players? How is that not huge?

In terms of mashes? This is tiny lol

I think derps is joking

its huge for this site, but MU gets like 100 man games

do you know literally anything beyond the very surface level of how i play?

have you read literally any of my defenses to this exact topic?

please do not lie here

its actually a minimash
says so in the title

Wtf? Why?

16 players is already more than enough (and It’s hard to get 16 signups to actually play the game they signed up for, apparently.)

actually this is super huge.
for us, on this site, where im fairly sure this is the largest game that has ever been run

I read your posts.

They were very disappointing.

Idrc about your defense, you can’t win by using only mechanics.


it’s literally called a social deduction game


Well imma swim, maybe Ill be orange when I get back


just noticed this can be interpetted three different ways. I can become OrangeandBlack5. I could get suntan, or I get the mod powers

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Dat is orange alt confirmed

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