[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

event reward was stolen

She had an interaction against Napoleon though and this is more Town PoV so I might be wrong on Alice here.

Do you atleast know what it was?

eh fine, but its day 1. I dont think Alice would let Nap make that play if she was on the same team unless they really wanted her to go deep

Italy, I was literally saying all along that Nappy couldn’t possibly be Chloe. On the other hand, you never said a word about it while that confusion was all going on.



SDA says they can shoot Mode, why are we lynching them?

no idea

but because of shady connections and blackmail my event reward was stolen

"eevee can i have event prize"
"event machine broke"
“understandable have a nice day”

it was kind of necessary for alice to make that shot after apprentice made their play
It’s not a point for them or against them imo

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i’m giving myself an event reward and extending my self-induced post cap by 25

because this is bullshit and I just want to feel special

I’m trying to figure out if this Flavour here is hinting that me dying stops ITA’s or not.

“Like always, you have a gun. Unfortunately, everyone else also has a gun.”

And thats why you are a town read for me know based off your reactions to the claim last night.

I am going to conf-bias myself into saying that my reads are probably right and therefore wolves feared what I could do with the event

don’t think this comes from town tbh

i just always have a gun
it’s one of the laws of reality, alongside “darth_tabor will always be lynched first” and “arete is a nerd”

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Neither do I Marshal. Do you at least know what the reward was?

I agree the stealer would most likely be wolf aligned unless was a auto stealer which i dought would be a thing.

Likey they were part of the event to be able to steal the reward.


If your talking about me, sorry to break it to you but I’m always flipping Town.