[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

p sure mode and italy are both wolves

Lump in


and then like maybe ob/kyo

possssibly leafia



Unlikely a town would steal from marshal on purpose in the current thread state

/resume marshal yoink

We have no idea what the role is, or if Marshal is even telling the truth lmao

the actual use of the ability being stolen from me specifically makes me think it’s from a wolf

Eh might as well hard Claim.

If I Shot a Mafia during ITA I get an extra shot and +5% permanent each time I successfully hit a mafia member.

Did I miss anything signficant recently?

Disagree with the leafia there i liked her interactions with napoleon.
Rest i don’t have a strong feeling except i agree with Italy and mode the most.

Marshal might be trying to discredit Leafia.

Why are people still voting mode

I liked leaf interactions with nap

but some of the things she says are pure wtfffff

you if anything are a person trying to discredit leafia

I think a wolf stole it too unless you’re lying or a neutral stole it. I think you lying about it being stolen would be NAI honestly.

You’re ITAly?

Well i am jsut assuming it is like a role i had on MU a month or so back
something like

When you are in an event you can attempt to steal any items on another player in the event this happens after they recieve any prizes.


What game?

I have the worst tinfoil that’s completely unrelated to what’s happening right now

you are aware that if scum has a claimvig (which they probably do)
this claim enters “you’re about to fucking die” territory

Ignore the quote

Bastard Mash.

Neo Tokyo full Anno game.