[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Say it anyway.

I know Leafia can have wtf posts as any alignment.
I think they are more Town then groupscum but if a third party exists there is a good chance it’s them.
That’s what I’m sayinf

I was a toen role actually but like could easily add that to a mafia and no town has a reason to steal from marshal here.

I mean it’s possible it’s compulsive
Or a neut
Or marshal is lying

Ok so like I stole the reward, but it was out of my hands and something that naturally happens. I wasnt allowed to talk in thread once it was sent and I got to learn one word of one person card I submitted for Solic as Marshal had just talked about sring them and I felt bad as I took his ability. The word i got was something that heavily outs their flavor. I can state it, but it doesn’t really mean anything AI

maxi is >rand v because if he was scum his partners would be barking at him to post

Hard disagree on Leafia. Kyo’s… actually kind of villagery rn.

What is it

yet they have just not posted
that’s nutty

and don’t say I would be scum clearing them for this
I know their discord

…this feels off as hell, tbh.

So you got the reward and it was that?

Okay are we okay with outing Solic’s flavour?
Dat does it give you any thought into them alignment wise?

Town has a claimvig

leafia was a possibility nerds chillax

I don’t want shots there

Inactivity is NAI.
Like, I was shouting at Seth before and Leafia before in the old game when we needed some coordination but it didn’t change things at certain times.

However, I will say this, I agree with your read at least. Despite the fact that yours is a tinfoil.

italy and mode randed wolf

I was going to blast italy if I got daevig

but alas I was unable

It does cause Mafia killing mode for us would be great for town but a stupid play

I think Maxi just forgot about the game.

no i fucked up and rushed, I could pick a numbered word from their card that wasnt colored, so I said 1 when if anything i should have picked like 3. Its mainly flavor

dat if you passively steal event rewards

don’t fucking enter events


Can you reply to my reply on your read still? I pinged you in it.