ModeShifter has decided to leave the forum.
Still shaken by the fact that several beloved forum members – including the head of the User Alliance – had given up and decided to leave the site, and another similarly-respected member had been banned, members of both alliances took to their keyboards. But little did they know that supporters of the TEWPTMTF were among them, and that as they wrote eloquent wallposts explaining why one side or the other was correct about who ought to moderate the forum, some among them were sowing discord, digging up old disciplinary records that had long-since been forgotten about.
Look, if the judges want to be the moderators, maybe they should do a better job of it. Like, look at Arete – all they do is post cat pictures and change people’s titles. We need a moderator that can effectively represent the interests of the users.
the users arent responsible enough to be mods. would u want fk to be a mod?? did u forget about the council of idiots??
can’t we all be friends aaaaaa
As the threads where they were arguing grew to 100 posts, then 500, then 1500, it became hard to be certain what was a genuine argument, and what was a malicious argument put forth by supporters of TEWPTMTF. For many users, it stopped mattering. What did it matter if the person saying that it was a good thing DatBird had left was a fellow forum user? They were still attacking DatBird.
At last, a new user, by the name of @Not_an_alt_256, joined in on the chaos. @Not_an_alt_256 said that they knew ModeShifter from another site, and that they shouldn’t trust him.
he’s literally permabanned from our site and you’re saying that people from his group should be mods? give me a break.
The thread promptly devolved into the discussion of these allegations. While he hadn’t broken any site rules, everyone – from both the User Alliance and the Judge Alliance – agreed that he should be driven off-site.
go back to Mafia451 you looser
Speaking as a Judge Alliance member, ModeShifter does NOT represent us.
Finally, ModeShifter made an anguished post in the leaving thread.
Fine. If you don’t want me, I’ll just have to go elsewhere. I didn’t want to play on your site anyways.
He logged out, never to be seen again. Yet when the mods reviewed his account history, they determined that he had no connections to TEWPTMTF.
ModeShifter was…
Town not-paranoid gun owner
Gun (Passive): Like always, you have a gun. Unfortunately, everyone else also has a gun.
However, after some of your previous shots, your friends have staged an intervention and modified it. Each time you kill a member of the Mafia in ITAs, you gain an additional ITA shot for that day. This shot is submitted in your rolecard. Furthermore, whenever you kill a member of the Mafia, your ITA hit rate increases by 5 percent permanently.