Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

What is his current plan?

Dunno, but he’s repeatedly planning on committing several different kinds of murders.


Use poison and then frame Dat.


Alright I love Apprentice.
He’s glorious.

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i dont care if one of these doesnt count

this is really cute though

Point taken, Arete only swears when they are scum.


On an off-topic matter…

Item I’m selling’s highlighted. Where the fuck did all of these undercutters come from out of the sudden. >_>

clearly this means that only scum use profanity

Opposite for me, swearing is a towntell for me.

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Mmmm not sure how this system works, but in WoW we just handle this either by camping the market and cancelling/relisting until one gives in and leaves, or just… undercut on your own, but by 1 gold – or whatever is the lowest equivalent available to you.
If you have several, place one at the price you want to keep > wait for them to undercut > place other undercutting that one.
The moment you see them cancel – you cancel.

You can also try to dampen so low where buying it yourself would net a profit, but I’m not sure if it’s doable here.

when im scum i swear at others. when im town i swear at myself

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Your tone goes out of the window the moment you roll scum.
There’s another thing but I’m not confident in it.

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when I’m neut I swear at the RNG that assigns classes


a lot of things go out the window when i roll scum
like my chances of winning

i mean i purposely didn’t include a game where they were town

but i like this conclusion more


I’m not really in a rush regarding selling them since I don’t really need a lot of money and I’m going for a big purchase next, but lately the undercutting in the MMO I’ve been playing’s just been nonsensical. I can be selling something very cheap and being in the lowest in the list and in ten minutes you get several vendors selling the same shit for below 80% of the prince I’m listing.

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I’ve been playing the auction house for a while in WoW and I think it usually comes down to a combination of good capital (so you can mass buyout the cheap listings and reset the market at your own value) and appropriate time.

But yeah, undercutting is an issue – will always be an issue.
I despise it and luckily I have enough time to waste to usually make others give in and stop relisting.

at least y’all know what the lowest price is

tales of an ex runescape player