[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

That still wouldn’t prove you, all you did was open yourself up to flavor vig i.dot

A) This doesn’t fucking confirm you as town.

B) Stop fucking flavor claiming as this lets the wolves PoE who’s Chloe.

Not Frost. I still think he’s been fairly villagery for his game here.

your flavor doesn’t fir what you’re saying

-_- im not asking for chloe to out im just asking for other pokemon even im not that stupid

really? hes forgettable and a half to me

Solic responds with:

I’m not going to let you get me riled up just because you’re insulting my play. Frankly this post isn’t really deserving of a reply, and even writing this much is a mistake.


you’re literally asking for people to out as not chloe when all you have to fucking do is read the game

By claiming you literally told the wolves that you’e not Chloe and that they should kill other people instead.

You’re supposed to be giving fucking PR cover to people. Stop fucking flavor claiming.

well if no ones going to out ill just keep looking for pokemon the old fashon way rng style

Solic responds with:



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holy shit

Does anyone have any qualms with me ITA’ing SDA?

/Insult Solic

You think you’re so hot. Well, you’re not. Because I’m the best, and you’re worse that the rest.

No, shoot him

Thing is techwolves, we’ve lost Datbird and if we lose Chloe then the scum are taking control.


A) Stop shooting at NPCs.

B) Stop talking about flavor.

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he already couldn’t have been chloe
he’s pink

but what if its not host choice either?
not player choice, not host choice. automatic choice from a predetermined set of rules.
thats my working theory, anyway,

alice is depending on previous games for her reasoning that they’re player controlled, but in my opinion relying on other games is exactly what keeps mechanics from working in closed setups for most people. so ive worked to be able to figure out mechanics without relying on tradition or previous games in any way, unless indicated from within the game itself.

in what way?

that doesnt make you confirmed town, that makes you indeterminate at best.

yes but it confirms to them that your not chloe, which helps them figure it out in the end.
say they narrowed it down to 3 people some how, and your one of them.
now its only 2 in this hypothetical

Don’t fucking do it.