[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Dont EVER tell us who you’ve targeted

/insult N.1

Shut the fuck up regarding your theories about NPC.

shoot me then im littrely not a wolf youve seen how i slipped in the past i havent played forum mafia in years just end my missey at this point

Hint: That was forced miss for targeting wrong color/faction.

Be mindful who you shoot next time.

Peace, nerds.

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DONT shoot techwolves

Techwolves DONT claim your night action

At this rate, it’s going to be Insurgency all over again.

im not replying to yours.
its clear we both disagree.
im going to keep posting that when its relevant, but we can both just stop responding to the other one about it


I should’ve added that I wanted a reason to not shoot Derps.

no, you’re going to play the game as we ask you to otherwise you get killed at one point

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i wont thats why i said im going back to rng style @Centuries i realized my mistake there

Why’s TL town?

I said, shut the fuck up regarding NPCs. You have literally zero fucking evidence about NPCs to back up your claim.

A little too late for that Techwolves. You’ve already claimed your flavor.


i ment for looking i know i outed that which was a mistake on my part i was getting annoyed

and i said, lets agree to disagree and stop wasting space over it

Solic responds with:

To think that a fellow member of the Judge Alliance would stoop to insults like this. We should all be working together for the good of this forum, not turning to mindless insults.


Just fucking kill this moron. He’s being stupidly anti-town, unreadable, and unhelpful.