[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Actually I had so much anger build up over this post before, but now that I’m typing it, I don’t really have it in me. I think. That’s kinda touching and maybe does show some character growth. Dang that makes me happy. I’ll stay mostly civil and if I’ll be scumread for it, for showing less aggression than my prior games, then that’s just how it’ll be. It’s something different, but I’ve shown aggression easily in scumgames. I’ll have receipts if people want meta, but don’t have the time now. It’s not difficult for me to aggressive. It’s just something I choose to tone down now.

Inquisitiveness. Curiosity.


Observation, how do you even detect apathy here like the fuck? I need to be jumping up and down with happiness to make this observation? What?

Confidence that I will make myself evidently town. I’ve always been able to do that.

How does this conclusion follow from these posts?

Like my 10th post. Do you see apathy here? This post is conveniently left out of your whole ISO. @N.1 Why is that? What a mighty coincidence that it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Do you see this? I contained myself here. Raw emotion. I have extremely heavy disdain for the way Geyde was posting in the early game. I think he has improved a bit since then, but all his posts prior to that were calling posts out as WORTHLESS, TRASH, including mine. I heavily dislike that kind of posting and it is reminiscent of a more venomous classical Solic. Exactly the kind of thing I’d like to remove from my own posting. It’d be hypocritical of me to call it out at large, since I’ve done similar things. It’s also not supposed to be a personal thing probably, but aah I just have reservations about this way of posting. That’s the whole point of me “being different” maybe.

My posts are not worthless.

This was another quote…? Like what…? WASTE, as you so like to call it. For context this was a comment towards Ami for having Dan Gheesling as his pfp. He’s the famous big brother player and I love that show.

[quote=“N.1, post:5813, topic:81930”]

I didn’t even write that, that was a quote. LOL.

I’m not a wasteful poster N. There are other players who are wayyy more deserving of being called out for waste. Town Solic does not hyperfilter his own posts to only being full of content. In fact I think that’s actually a bit more scum indicative but hey self-meta. :man_shrugging:

There is a no precedent for what? These posts aren’t related much at all. This ISO is honestly terrible and I’m glad I’m not the only one who has posted as such. There is a precedent for my apparent “apathy” in it being a comment in the signup posts already and me echoing that statement here, so you are basically contradicting yourself in this sentence.

The nerve, the amount of hypocrisy, HAHAHAHAH, consider this post me shoving a mirror in your face N.

I care, that’s why I made that post. It’s not good to be generally be misread as scum when you’re town. You don’t get listened to, it’s harder to push people, you might god forbid get mis-executed (yes I read that godawful restriction in time at least, which really should be plastered somewhere and not some off-hand post eevee made somewhere when eevee also posts memes in thread occassionally) and you waste resources on posts like these. The only upside is that I was more likely to make it past night 1 for once.

It is for Frost. Town Frost that I’d know would be up in arms.


If I’m going to be scumread for it by multiple people, I’m going to reiterate that point multiple times. I condensed all of this in one little post for you N. Aren’t you glad about that.

You need a break of how fake that was? You’ve the nerve to even insult me (the word is very fitting here, because I feel insulted) after not giving me a full ISO? I don’t want to live in the world where this is town N.

Now here I wanted to give you a threat of being ITA’ed unless you had a very satisfactory response to me, with a snarky comment that I hate, oh absolutely hate being quick-executed or quick-ITA’ed without having a chance to defend myself, (edit Solic stepped in here against past Solic), but as it stands I apparently can’t insult you.

God being scumread early has its advantages I guess. Maybe Slayer’s gambit is something I should actively try sometime actually.

If N does not get shot today, he WILL be the lynch. I will accept nothing less. This ISO is made in some of the worst faith I’ve ever seen.

I do not think it is the most likely option, no. I believe that Marshal was a mafia nightkill.

This can be really bad, but I don’t think there should be more than 3-5 yakuza.

I’m off to work now. Will be back in 10 hours or so with more time. I already have colleagues emailing me, but I prioritized this. Hahah such healthy prioritization. It was not wise of me to make the choice to sign up I realize now, but I’m no quitter.

How did Hippo suicide then?

Morning, might read the thread if I’m feeling patient.

Some weird neut wincon, like I’ve been saying

I was reading Solic’s wallpost, sorry for the Karen response.

Didn’t Kyo say there are no third parties?

@Solic I’m tr’ing you, but nothing in that wallpost really stuck out for me, unfortunately.

I also have a very strong urge to blast Geyde right now- discuss. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to before I do an ISO on him.)

Aye, he did.
And here comes the whole problem. Do I ignore my gut, and assume Kyo is telling the truth? Is Kyo misconstruing what he has been told? Is Kyo FPSing? Is Kyo just actually scum pushing a mislynch on me opportunistically? Are he and PKR scum pushing me together? Is PKR really some ridiculously underpowered towny in a high role-power minimash?

Well I appreciate your dedication.

Geyde? Interesting. I would wait for your ISO, but it’s 4:40 A.M. and I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be awake.

My gut is very strongly telling me that his ISO has been underwhelming and his reads feel performative to me, but I very easily could be wrong. I’m just telling you in case me suddenly ISOing a highposter like that surprises you.

like, everything Geyde has said feels subtly wrong to me
i’ll attempt to explain later or explain how I was an idiot

ISOs on anyone are always appreciated. If you have the time, would you mind doing one on any of me/Kyo/SDA/Leafia?

I might. We’ll see.

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No rush, I’ll be asleep for many hours anyway.

So Kyo is false here and you are real? I am not trying to provoke anything, but there is a glaring contradiction here