[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Haven’t read them, but Geyde’s points on them weren’t bad. I dislike how he handles almost every other one of his reads, though.

Read him then please. He’s beyond obvious.

If I read him and I think he’s a wolf I’ll probably drop my objections over Geyde’s allignment for now and shoot him, but I really dislike how Geyde’s reads seem to decrease in certainty the more effort is put into them.

Geyde is a questionable slot and he shot him, so I wouldn’t say so.

Unless SDA have realized of his mistake he made at SoD D2, I find a contradiction

N is not the kind of player that only does HALF an ISO very badly and then already ITAs . He would have overthought it more or seek approval before his shot.

His ISO on me was just a lazy effort to cover the shot.

Typing on mobile sucks.

Geyde’s reads smell faintly of agenda to me, very consistently.

I meant N is beyond obvious? Not following?

His tone is off from his usual one significantly but I have reason to believe it’s not because he’s a wolf.

You don’t shoot the scum that you have suspicions about. You shoot the one that’s beyond obvious. Please at least read N before you make a shot. Would also be good if you wait for N to reply imo.

okay actually you know what
you’re right
could still be a bus but you know what

/shoot N.1

Taking a closer look the tonal differences feel performative and like he’s trying to copy reads from other reads he’s seen. They feel like some of my worst reads put in his mouth.

Also, I like to live on the wild side and I love explaining my reasoning after I fire the shot.

you have to type insult

/insult N.1


The diameter of your mother’s waist is so large that it created a falsely held theory in theoretical physics evidenced by equippment from CERN!

:cry: I want to destroy any reply he would give to me.

I still think Geyde might be a w bussing one of his weaker partners but my goodness N’s reads are… bad. (something something I hate to preflip here but if N flips v this is not a good look for Geyde (or me) you understand)

Ooh, n.1’s existence has to be obliterated with that roast

@eevee @Arete @Firekitten