[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

This isn’t a read, but I skimmed past the last few hundred posts

I actually did screw up here, as I didn’t have to say what I had after you had already revealed your info

good morning
i definitely wasn’t laying in bed for the last five hours refusing to so much as open my eyes

Hi italy.

hi frost

Let me give you an example. Here’s Geyde’s progression on PKR:

Notice how with very few interactions and reads he has with PKR. Now, I could point out his read on Alice, but to be frank I’d be being dishonest if I compared Alice and PKR read-wise. Rest assured there are way more posts on Alice and yet the conclusion is nowhere near as authoritative. He does have interactions with PKR later on but this post:

Doesn’t really constitute the development of a read.

Instead, I’m going to show Geyde’s read on another inconsistent villager who is not the worst at wolfing but is by no means perfect but has potential and has a certain degree of knowledge but can’t always apply it well. Yes, I’m talking about me.

[quote=“Geyde, post:893, topic:81930, full:true”]
Ici’s individual posts are very weak, making easy calls with little deeper thought
This is out of character for them and doesn’t jive with tone of the thread being like half tryhard half complete meme

[quote=“Icibalus, post:56, topic:81930”]

[quote=“Icibalus, post:83, topic:81930”]

[quote=“Geyde, post:5975, topic:81930, full:true”]
too much mechanics

Geyde has two seperate analysis walls on me, but whereas with PKR he’s like “yeah probably a villager” with me he’s like “uhhh he’s a wolf kinda maybe i doubt it but i’m not opposed to it???” and I realize we talk about wolfreads and villagereads with different language, but this feels like a ridiculous contrast, considering that he is less certain on the person with the more distinctive meta difference.

I don’t like it. It feels like Geyde is trying to spin out content on the reads he’s unsure of rather than making sure of his more certain reads, and that inverse proprotion between the amount of content posted about someone and the certainty of the read feels like agenda to me.

This is the closest thing to a quotewall you’re getting from me all game, so enjoy it while you can.
I’m not decided on Geyde w, it could just be because of cognitive bias, but I don’t like it. Reads should increase in certainty the more they’re developed, at least somewhat (barring paranoia).

(Sidenote: the graph would probably not be an exponential curve or direct proportion or anything, if we’re talking stricly statistically accurate I’d say it’s more likely to be a parabola, since overdeveloping a read can create paranoia.)

(but the parabola probably shouldn’t be a positive quadratic equation as opposed to a negative one)

I am sorry, but how exactly can I kill marshal when he didn’t commit suicide as Yakuza? It’s not possible for me to target him and that includes all pink users.

Where do I even start with Simon? I think that Simon is harmful to the town regardless of alignment for simply refusing to read. Some of Simon’s posts seem wolfy as hell and being this obtuse to soak up shots does seem like something a wolf would do, but I don’t know. This also seems like something that could coming from a villager who is just being anti-town. If Simon is a villager then he needs to get reported for this because this is harmful behavior to the town.

Speaking of which, SirDerpsAlot, there is not a single Blue Judge in your list so you made a oopsie?

Does anybody have any violent objections to me possibly shooting Geyde?

Why join a game if you refuse to read? @Simon if you refuse to read then you should replace out. It’s simple as that. This is just a haha funny game, but you are still expected to play.

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He doesn’t want to feel dissatisfied because he can’t read everyone in the game because currently there are too many, about 90% sure.

He indicated as such pregame.

He shouldn’t have joined the game then

He’ll be useful later on and he’s a villager. Let’s not try and talk him out of the game. Or kill him.

I didn’t propose killing him, but that “He’ll be useful later” part has me kind of sketched out. It has kind of a “I’m self resolving” feeling from Insurgency

I have such violent objections, think he’s town.

Would you shoot N?

Can’t even tear myself away on lunch break.