[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Hmm no but I realize something else you shouldn’t have done that.

What do you mean?

One thing I can read Italy for town is that he shares the same reaction on SDA’s list of who killed Marshal like I did.


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Same thing, except in .gif

the perfect gif

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He did something similar in SFoL 61. I was being defended by Italy as town when he was the outrider (BD assassin)

SDA thought only user union could attack user union :upside_down_face:

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Now I am not saying there can’t be Pink mafia members however it’s not possible to kill Marshal who’s also pink

I initially TR Italy for it, but learned that scum Italy does agree with/defend townies as well. That shouldn’t confirm or deny Italy as scum, but I think he could agree with stuff like that as scum

What SDA said is either a bloody village idiot or he contradicted himself.

basic assumption is “if italy can do it, he can do it as scum”
because i’m an aggressive sandbagger

SDA is that way, you can TR based on how obtuse he can be

I disagree on the meta, I don’t rely on that method.

SDA is indead the very definition of “the village idiot”
i’ve seen him do dumber things
no offense SDA

I don’t fully rely on it, but some people can be read by meta and SDA is someone who can for the most part

Did he realize the mistake though?

How is getting a public mechanic wrong wolfy

after i told him he was wrong three times

Took you long enough to answer.