[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

It was more I realized I was wrong

Then proceeded to make the mistake again

I just woke up but okay

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Right so, back at Gorta.

he did Insult Italy on bold letters, it should be a miss anyway

inb4 the miss response is just another copypasta

i’m aligned with gorta

we’re both pink
the shot doesn’t go through

Yeah lol.

What do you make out of that? :thinking:

Lmaoo that’s what 3 people who wasted their shot?

that people seriously need to read the OP to make sure they aren’t aligned with the person they’re shooting

Intelligence of a potato.

And I feel sorry for the people who said the forbidden word

Are you talking about the r word? D:

Crap, I forgot about that

I should have shot solic

Nah, I can’t say it now but I can hint you:

It always happened by the end of the day

Ah ok then.

Who else missed their shots for this reason?

N.1 for sure

I haven’t really had the chance to interact with people as I would like, hopefully it is more alive in an hour or so. I have struggled because I usually get up, read 1.5-3k posts and then have to eat supper and this keeps me from interacting with everyone else.

On D3 of this game I will try to be here and interact more