[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

readlists bad

Dammit, I deleted the post I was writing to post this and I forgot to copypaste it. I’m also stealing this from Arete, it works as a tonal device for trying to get my thoughts across.

Basically, Dat’s posts have improved significantly from his opening, and just feel a lot more comfortable than they normally do. It’s not that wallposts from him are wolfy, but rather than Dat’s wallposts tend to be rather rambly and disjointed, and while that initial one certainly was I think I can chalk that up to stress, something that Dat clearly felt towards the beginning of the game.

like, a problem with wolf!Dat is that he’s unable to be this… genuinely helpful? in the way that this post is. It’s hard to explain because it’s late at night and I’m preparing to play a weirdass card game with my parents in which we make up half of the cards as we go along, but basically this is emblematic of Dat’s improved posisition in the thread. He feels polite without being reticent, basically.

Can u elaborate more on this /s

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Can I get your progression on the Leafia read? I think you’ve been scumreading them since like post 40?

no u

Hippo is acting like Ami is lockdown when Ami hasn’t acted villagery at all. There’s two possibilities that spring to my mind. That Ami is scum and so is Hippo and they want to mislynch me D1. Or that Ami is town and in that case, Hippo has TMI that that’s the case and wants me to be the D1 mislynch.

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hippo honestly knows my play style p well

you don’t :slight_smile:

Ici i dont want to spam thread but please tell more post game. This honestly sounds interesting

It’s Hippoyeetus. Us. That means they’re a communist. Communists are bad. Therefore, lockscum. /s

Made a bad early read post, got called out on it, git defensive, got voted, AtE, then OMGUSed everyone who voted them.

Well, if I was scum and Ami town, why accuse me of being scum so quickly with no explaination?

[quote=“Geyde, post:743, topic:81930, full:true”]

Alice should know better than to do this when Derps being able to mimic something like this over the span of five minutes isn’t unreasonable

This was reasonable

OH MY GOD Geyde, Are you kidding me, you literally have the same take that I had and you’re calling me scum for it? Aaaahhh, I have no way to prove I didn’t see this before, but it’s the truth.

Going to go out on a limb and say that the way that this post is worded feels heavily like Leafia is trying to push those two possibilites as the only possibilities with enough wiggleroom? I’m not saying that this is a #Devious #Attempt to #Decieve #Me or anything, but rather that I don’t see why a villager who is fully considering all the possibilities would post it in this particular way, if that makes sense?

i think this isn’t enough to form a read on but it’s certianly enough to keep in mind

I just meant that cheese usually gets pushed in general regardless of the game. Just because someone doesn’t gets pushed normally doesn’t mean there aren’t valid reasons to push them is what I was trying to say. Essentially my read on cheese right now boils down to “his first post feels quite scummy for cheese and everything else isn’t super telling”

This is an intresting take.
So fair Ami has been the key to alot of topics i think i have to ISO them now.

Gut and meta is inclined to say Solic v. Feels like LotR Solic.

gets pushed normally*

Why not…? Town frequently does naked votes with no reasoning. I feel like I’m missing something here.

sorry sorry forgot I’m meant to be the funny guy

something something Mount Doom Was The Correct Choice D1 And I Was Robbed something


How does Solic play as scum?