[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I’ll keep that in mind however pushing someone like that is a “Safe Push” as they are just ussaly pushed and people will fall back to this as a defenese as to why they pushed cheese.

Who else are you susing there is alot of people outside of you and cheese

I know u said u were leaving but could u go more in depth on this, as like hes very null to me.

This is concerning me, because you always read me wrong when you’re town :upside_down_face:

quite frankly it’s been so long that I can’t explain in detail but uh
I don’t remember him wolfing like this?

@Hippolytus cease and desist. Please


Do you have any town or scum games that you could refer me to?

hey I eventually was right on you in LotR
sorry that you had to deal with low WiM v!ici

He doesn’t. Volume tells are embarrassingly accurate for me. (I wanted to change that, but won’t get a chance this game sadly)

I got the whole scumteam covered on mechanics when I’m scum though

Insurgency would be a scum game. I think they played discord mafia for a bit, and I dont the exact rules with that and all

Hard disagree.

god I’m being thrown for a loop
moleland is playing on ToL again
what a time to be alive

Recovered from ‘co’ hosting your BtM at last

I think i am actually place a vote here for now

/Vote Apprentice

I think you are just trying to push for an easy lynch i want you to do more look at other peope like Ami and/or leaf both are higher disscusion points and should be talked about more.

Leafia was scum

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Ami, I don’t need to know how you play to be able to tell when you’re acting scummy. And Mole, that wasn’t a bad read. Usually when a wagon forms quickly on someone, that someone is town and being pushed by scum. Scum wouldn’t push scum so quickly and neither would town. Also, you don’t know how I play either Ami, so stop thinking you do.

younger me was quite an embarassingly bad host wasn’t he
i’m better now

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Can hardly be worse lu


yes 3 people is such a big wagon in a 30p~ game

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i would be inclined to not use wagonspeed reads on d1 in a mash with 3 NPCs and a thread that’s inclined to not spampost. things are naturally going to be different this game unless things go off the chain and there’s 10k posts of dybudabu roleplay when I wake up.