[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

So N makes a suicide play to try and take as many players down with him… why would he do that if it had the possibility of clearing 7 villagers?

Event was 24 questions. Each one could give u a point value of 0, 5, 10 15. I dont think ome person got a 15 in the event. If u answered correctly u got 5 points. If u answered correctly and no one else said ur answer u got 5 more. And if u answered correctly and no one answered but you, you got 15. The event was 6 questions at a time and the hard part is they all had to start with one letter for that batch of 6. That and u had to spell a country backwards. After u finished ur 6 u could press a button to stop everyone else from finishing. Every round N pressed it. At the end no one hit the goal of the game of 170 points from this thus we all thought we were dead and N wouldnt respond. Podium was Hippo App and N in that order with me in fourth. It seemed as if Eevee let podium survive but due to event dockery that meant I got to go to third and kick N down off podium.

Ask if shooting yourself would work with not being able to target your own faction @DatBird

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Birdo has a good point, remind us of your actions and why again please?

so like

you aren’t cleared for the event FMPoV

N could have planned for this

I wasn’t in the event so I don’t know how the event worked but I can tell you from what I do know that N was trying to kill everyone in the event.

You mean my night actions?

This could mean you could use a NPC to shoot yourself easily, because the shot would miss 100% anyways.

Right, but he was not guarenteed to at all. That had the potential of clearing a shit ton of villagers.

Yes, that’s what I mean.

N isn’t stupid. I don’t think that in an event with exclusively villagers he ever makes the suicide play, simply because it’s actually worse to have a high number of misclears than have a wolfbuddy die.

I mean, a high number of clears, bleh.

tbh im p sure its just ici

I’m not clearing him for the event, I’m clearing him for his tone and him directing others to both shoot N and Italy. Why are you scumreading him?

Why do u feel that way?

I chose villagery players I thought were at risk of being daykilled each night. You N1, because there was the chance that Alice would shoot you, Geyde N2, because I felt wolves would think his EoD2 was as villagery as I thought it was. And I attempted to choose you again last night, for pretty much the same reason except wolf KP.

i’m not

i like him for his tone and interactions

i’m just saying he’s not clear from the event

if your role can survive events


he would not feel bad making the suicide play with you in it if you were a scumbud

The thing is by the numbers we all were dead. So realistically if eevee wasnt kind I think he would have taken down 7 of us

Okay… it was a death event, right? Did you know beforehand what type of death it was going to be.