[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

You’re only saying that in an attempt to discredit me.

Alice is too smart to fall for your tricks Ici.

Well, what are you supposed to call it when somebody responds to a post you made with just “nah, you’re wrong lol” and then turn around to a villager in thread and say “hey let’s lynch this guy for ???”

Are you retarded? Despeardos bypass GFs.

It’s like saying that a player who was CS’ed by a suicide Knight pre-CS change can still be a MM because MM shows as BD until D4.

Oh, I have no doubt she’ll notice the tricks. The tricks aren’t intended for her.

No, desperado is not a fucking cop check.

@Alice you don’t need to respond to every single bit of the conversation about you being a Desperado, that conversation is over now, we’re not lynching you.

I mean you being shot by one, sorry.

Everyfuckingbody’s reads has been flipping V. Who the hell have you been wolfreading it you’re a villager?

@Alice please stop. I’ve turned back on that shitty read. The conversation has moved on quickly. Please stop wasting the thread with your livebloggy reactions to old bits of it.

And, you still had the idea that the desperado shot is a wolf? Did you just not read the thread?

I don’t always read the thread, no

Yeah… maybe you should actually read the thread as it will help you find wolves?

Yes, I’ve read the thread now, Alice, this is not a helpful thing right now.

Normally your reaction thoughts while reading up are useful but at this precise moment I’d prefer it if you didn’t clog the thread with you arguing with me over something I don’t actually believe any more.

Christ, for a forum that loves RM people here sure suck at it.

I literally was shot at by a desperado. This isn’t me claiming to being lock-clear over talking to Kyo at night.

What the hell is this?

Yes, let’s kill a player who has no chance of flipping W at extremly close to XYLO just because they may flip 3p. That’s a wonderful idea.

Ask host. :man_shrugging:


This is literally desperado 101.

Desperados aren’t cops, retard.

@Alice have you caught on to the fact that Leafia is a wolf yet.