[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!




I think pretty much everyone had their own concerns on the slot

True Evil Who Plans To Monetize The Forum and his followers :eyes:

What was the Illuminati thing again?

Arete things

give me



I’d make a banana dragon class but I’m about to go to bed.


what a nerd

to talk about the anti-claim mechanics. i got a small chance to talk and then no one was cooperating at all, which makes it take way longer on average to get started.

because i never got that foothold
getting that foothold is the primary purpose for asking questions like that. information i had missed was secondary and determined which questions i was asking, but i would be asking stuff anyways had i read the whole thread.
that foothold that hook on something i can begin to push, is 100% necessary. i if i dont find a bit of some confusion or misinformation, then theres not a lot i can do from within this playstyle. (yes im aware the solution to this problem is to switch playstyles you do not have to say it). now to be clear, this isnt me saying i need a foothold to have a valid point to push someone who i already think is scummy. it is that there is not a single soul here who i think is more likely to be scum than the rest, and i need a point from which i can work toward finding someone.

i do not know how to try and do that, because i do not fucking understand it! it is not a lack of want to do it, it is a lack of ability and a lack of know-how. in most every scenario i see both how a town might make that post or how a scum might. most oftenly, a town might do it to help town, a scum might do it for town cred. without knowing how it turns out, then its hard to be predictave. oh except it still applies even when knowing how it turns out. was what they were saying right? a town might have said it to help town, and they were right. a scum might have been bussing (or equivalent) for further town cred. was what they were saying wrong? a town might have said that, and just been mistaken. its okay, it happens. a scum may have intentionally done it to further scum agenda, or they also made a mistake, and tried to lynch the wrong person. i dont know why any of these three situations would have one more likely than the other.

obviously. but unless i can get an understanding for the system in general i basically cannot work with it effectively. so thats what im asking for. why do you think a particular statement would be scummy. use examples if you have to. but im trying to get an understanding for the general system here. and that necessarily requires vagueness. but it can still be explained in a concrete example. i can extract stuff from there usually.

you dont understand. the need to understand for me occurs on multiple levels. on an intellectual level, where i dont know what to do unless i know how the thing functions.
on a semi-conscious level, where i cant stop and try and do the thing unless and until i understand why that thing. even a very rough level, it doesnt have to be the intricaciesm but i have to know why beforehand. i quite literally cannot help but to stop and ask why.

you say to just try, and i ask you, how. how do i even attempt to do that. i do not know. ive heard one main method as a way to begin with, and for me that method does not work. so how.

the game would stagnate, obviously. do you think i intentionally had that ‘stance’? why would you think that? i dont know how people arent stuck like that. and so i had to develop my own way to get into the fray, and now its being attacked with no real counter offer being made.

as for the second part, thats all well and good, but how does that help me when i have no one to tunnel, as was the case in the quoted post. my attempts to get a lead were to get a scumread, that i could then push. if i had gotten that, perhaps i could have tunneled. maybe. im not even sure.
but i didnt
i did not have someone to tunnel.

not really referring to you btw. i can tell your at least trying to help.

Simple start is next forum game if ur down for it, Id be willing to talk you through it in spec chat by pulling posts and trying to see if things feel off to you bout them. Usually I play by gut and find things that dont settle right to me. Then if I get that I go into hyper scrutinize mode where I start seeing if i can pick anything apart from them.

offer is on table for wow bfa. and any other game in future that i aint apart of. So like choose ya game and i can start showing ya the way i do it

Hippo got a 1-shot ability to send a message to the thread from his role

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Nice one Hippo lul.

I’d probably just use it to fake a modpeek.

The Illuminati have sent the following message to the thread:

Hippoyeetus is a member of the Town!


@ me if u take me up on this, Im down to teach (even if its a bit hard)