[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

explain bolded portion

yeah that’s why I said if it replenishes it’s better used on someone with a more powerful ability

you’re starting to boil up so it’s basically pointless to prod you

i could try and contribute if i get information. i have tried many a time to read through a large backlog and i never get anything solid from it. i need to interact with people to do that. and not in your normal reaction-testy way really. just talking with them about the game as i do helps me gauge them.
so im doing that, and gaining information at the same time. im aware of how to account for the bias in their answers, and i use that to derive the true answers all the same, regardless of how biased their answer actually is.

I would go factions, as NPCs seem to be just extra targets and votes. Plus they seem controlled so like someone probably knows about them

Sorry, this game’s tilting me hard.

Then what are your conclusions?

well i dont have any right now because people wont answer my questions.
when this happens my focus shifts to defending myself and trying to get yall to answer it. but im still in the process


Lot was suppose to be out ( for clarification)

Honestly don’t think mafia watch targets the NK even more so if they only have one assuming one due to only one death unless a doc got a save.

And if he did light visiting claimed to be a weak Town role yesterday so outing on him would be a bad 1v1 most of the time as mafia.

Ergo PKR is town and I am even more mad my ability didn’t go off.

I will proceed to hard tunnel dat for that emoji

Bringing this up again because why not better topic than whatever Simon is doing

oof no happiness allowed

I assume 2 or less scum in pink also

I would agree factions also is usefull however two more bots just walked in the door for a total of 5

Because it makes no sense for a wolf to have a self banning thing like Hippo apparently did nor does it make sense for the wolves to kill one of their own N1.

PKR’s entire claim is sketchy as hell here. I’m not buying it.

I do think Italy should die today after light honestly with mode flipping town worrya me even more that Italy didn’t seem to get much traction.

Im pretty sure its one bot with a convoluted name

grammar dictates if it was multiple it wouldn’t say A at the beginning. I think it was a play to worry others on how many there are

Some quick ideas on PKR: Lookout that only sees one visit sounds like bullshit. The fact that it saw me and not the killer is at best a 50/50 chance. I could see a strongarm scum NK and a lookout watching for any potential protectives, or even a regular scum NK and watching for protectives… as Marshal was commonly townread, and a strong player, and Alice claimed Vet.
Also, if you look at my reads, I didn’t have Marshal as a strong townread. Sorry that I didn’t agree with y’all.

But hey, as just about anyone can confirm… I have a history of making shitty decisions. (Hammer on Alice, Lynch on whatever town tracker-watcher-lookout whatever, shooting Ici over Leafia, trusting Kyo, trusting Kyo’s read on TL, etc… and I’ve only been here for six or seven games.)