[Minimash] Countries FM - The Cold War - Signups - (24/24)

After the second world war came to a close. Germany being split in two and Japan losing their entire empire. The entire borders of the world were redrawn with border disputes staying torn. The cold war began to rage on as Soviet-American ties were ceased and spies were sent in to discover as much as they could about their opponent.

Countries FM - The Cold War

Hosted by @Wazza, Co-Hosted by @CRichard564


Follow the Global Forum/Discord/Game/Meta Rules - Please Read First , and the Official Forum Mafia and Forum of Lies Rules . Please make sure you have enough time for this game before you sign up.
Important Rule: Do not get political during the game. I will not tolerate this at all as there is a major risk I am taking with allowing this game to get so close to politics. Any talk about politics in game will lead to either a force replace or a modkill if it gets too deep into it.


  • Upon a player reaching majority or the game ending with plurality, they will be executed.
  • Days are 48 hours long or until a player is kicked out, Nights last 24 hours. Plurality does exist.
  • You will be provided a DM with your classcard by the host, send your actions there.
  • Flavours are alignment indicative. However, any non-Town will be provided flavors they can fake to be.
  • There may or may not be anticlaim mechanics.
  • There may or may not be lost wolves.
  • There may or may not be neutrals.
  • There may or may not be dead interaction.
  • The game is not bastard. The OP will not lie to you, the hosts will not lie to you and your classcard will not lie to you
  • Communists will talk through a special Discord server or forum message.
  • The game is closed.


  • While using Democracy in a game where Capitalism and Communism are fighting might be ironic, but thatā€™s how weā€™re doing things.
  • During the day you can vote players to execute them, upon them being executed, they may be eliminated from the game apart from the possibility of dead interaction.
  • Executions will result to plurality if the day ends without an execution, any ties will be sorted by Discobot.

Win Conditions

  • The Win Condition for Capitalism is ā€œDefeat Communism any any other nations that stand to harm Capitalism.ā€
  • The Win Condition for Communism is ā€œDefeat Capitalism and any other nations that stand in your way.ā€
  • Any Neutrals that might exist will have their own Unique win condition relating to their class.

Alts are enabled! Just DM me and @DatBird


  1. sculptordwarf
  2. min
  3. Vulgard
  4. Ami
  5. Dota
  6. ATNoName
  7. PKR
  8. Solic
  9. Light
  10. Centuries
  11. YoubutWorse
  12. WindwardAway
  13. ArcticXI
  14. Majora
  15. astand
  16. Leafia
  17. an_gorta_pratai
  18. Eevee
  19. TrustworthyLiberal
  20. Mistyx
  21. Clonedcheese
  22. rat
  23. EliThePsycho
  24. KyoDaz


  1. Marshal
  2. Katze
  3. Nightingale
  4. Trochilidae
  5. Ami
  6. Amelia


  1. Arete (Informed)
  2. Icibalus (Informed)
  3. thepigeonnyc (Informed)
  4. Napoleon (Informed)
  5. Chloe (Uninformed)
  6. Soolit (Uninformed)
  7. Silviu200530 (Informed)
  8. Italy (Informed)

This game will not start until Newbie-Friendly Pokemon 9er is over.

/informed spec

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/informed spec

I reviewed the first version of this setup so I probably shouldnā€™t play in this one :upside_down_face:

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fuck it
forceroll me as italy or iā€™ll cause thermonuclear annihilation


There are no ITAs?

this implies communists are the bad guys

i donā€™t approve

surprising given your stance on them

anyway uh

/backup for now cause i donā€™t entirely want to play but might be willing to play to help it fill

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you are bad guy
does not mean you are bad guy



Unless game looks like it might not fill
In which case im joining and claiming DX Voteeless ITA Immune Jailkeeper/ Activated 1-shot Doctor w/ Extra Shot But Only For Literally One Event


ita me 5 times

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There arenā€™t any ITAs, no. I debated them for a long time during planning but decided against them.

I had a small change of heart over the course of my break.

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This game is going to last 5 months


speaking of the cold war
wazza have you heard of that cool hoi4 mod the new order
at first glance it looks really stupid but is actually one of the best standalone mods

i donā€™t think thereā€™s a single proxy war in the cold war that lasted less than five months

It wonā€™t I promise that.

nah not seen it, been too invested in EU4 for the past few months along with Black Ops Cold Warā€¦which is funnily ironic.


nobody will be the server owner

everyone will own the means of discussion


if this game is truly the cold war it should last 45 years

as per google

iā€™ll in to help it fill if it comes to that but I have hydra game 7 coming soon and I really donā€™t want to multitable with that