[Minimash] Countries FM - The Cold War - Signups - (24/24)

that marks the third set of masons this game, why would dat include 3 pairs of masons, prob just doesnt understand balance as this game is too simple


wait i love majoras mask i stan u

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If this fills in 48 hours, I’ll play. Don’t think the game on Colloseum would fill.

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Of course, Chloe.
(Also I would love to be scum with you again ngl)

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9 more

go go go

if i try to join this in 24 hours don’t let me

playerlist is tempting but multitabling is not that so nopers

@Wazza if it’s ok with you, you might want to add me as a co-host.

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i want to join

but i dont want to fail my classes

also 24 player game with no ITA’s makes me want to die



It’s also possible theirs just a lot of kp

I think this is likely.

sulit agrees but

Chloe is playing so like

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chloe is playing g7

i’ll get my chloe hit there

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haha what are ITAS?

In thread attacks. Like a ten to fifteen percent chance to kill a player in board daylight during the days starting day 2 onward

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oh jesus that sounds terrifying

its more fun than anything imo, unless ur obvtown and get shot


typically reserved for higher player counts because of the high kill power it can cause