[Minimash] Countries FM - The Cold War - Signups - (24/24)

here’s an image of russia i took

one moment, I hold no answers to either of these questions because I forgot lol

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that’s about as bad as the HRE in EU4, what the heck.

the game is pretty restricted though, you can’t declare war willy nilly thanks to Thermonuclear war threat

you know
unless you get on goering’s wild ride

and in case you were wondering because of all my mentions of thermonuclear war
it can happen

I would say yes but I don’t want a moment where someone votes themself and dies basically throwing the game for their team so no.

No, someone must be eliminated everyday. (I swear I had this in the OP, I might have a fully finished OP somewhere since my last one was updated in July which just feels off).

No to this as well.

for the sake of not filling this thread with alt history cold war i’ll just dm it to you on discord

wazza open your dms looser

my dms are open you just didn’t accept my friend request when I sent it you months ago.

I would like to backup for this, since I’m not sure about how much time I have in the upcoming month


This looks based

God fucking dammit

I really wanna join

But collegeapps + my inability to read fast enough is gonna fuck me over

Large games hard


hetalia xD


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i’m assuming the commies all have the same abilities? obviously we can’t have strong and weak roles there



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i wasn’t planning to join games here but i must roll soviet union


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I would do say something but something bad is going to happen.

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