Minority Rule Royale 2: Teams Edition- Eli and Intensify Wins!

bonus since nobody’s gotten it yet

anyone dm me the correct answer to 3 (or say it here) and u get a cookie

didn’t daeron get it

pretty sure thats kyo

nobody’s gotten 3 yet

#1 is the one I 100% know basically
I tried to guess nintendogs for #3 and got it wrong

who has played nintendogs

who even LIKES the music from nintendogs

Who would even THINK of nintendogs

I can’t remember a single thing from nintendogs except it existed


it has dogs

I suppose

what do you mean you “suppose”

Furret walk

Coconut mall


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Why is no one else getting free orangs


Oh I died atleast the two people I told where I was going were smart enough to not go there

RNG did keep me alive a fair long though

Because all of our teammates are dead.

Secrecy is mine fool

Intensify I’m force redirecting you to Rejuvinate