Minority Rule Royale 2: Teams Edition- Eli and Intensify Wins!

Better to have no saints than a saint sk

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Itll be a 2v2

I mean 2 alive

I am the reincarnation of SmoothBrainPepega

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But that’s fine

Okay so I go evil?

Wherever you want, but I’m going Holy

mfw 3 people go to holy and kill themselves and Intensify wins anyway



I feel bad for Sulit ya know, so I do kinda want her to win

Don’t worry they’ll all be revived 3 days later

btw if we all except intensify go into different rooms then intensify always loses due to majority



and uh

so do you guys ig

I mean like you guys totally have enough tangerines

If he goes with one of us he dies to majority always. If he goes into cult room he dies from room effect before majority calc.

Yeah that’s not how it works…

Actually speaking of, you need two people in holy to kill me since SK stab removes a pick from Holy

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It goes abilities majority then abilities gained by room

They still count towards majority. Look at previous result.


