Minority Rule Royale 2: Teams Edition- Eli and Intensify Wins!

Just as a final ending post from me. Yes I apologize I didnt realize game was ending. I was rushing to get the results out as I was late from IRL obligations. So sorry for sloppy messups like forgetting tangerines count and the game stops at 2 people. Yes in all worlds Intensify wins. Sulit and Chloe are second place. And sorry if I came off harsh or annoyed, I just am trying to do this in the short period of time I have.

In the future i think some of the rooms need to be changed up or removed as said above as some are boring as all hell. Teams was fine, i think the tangerine swing from it was crazy strong tho. Frienship was a bad room, I had an itching to add a new room and wasnt sure what would of been better a team focused one or a funny ghost room, that any players that died in anyway there from curses, serial killers, or majority would be able to go to a room next round as a .5 vote to sway the odds and get some revenge. Wanted to call it like the Purgatory room. But i think i should have had added neither or Purgatory in hindsight. Hosting wise we only had one missed action, but plenty of reminders to submit rooms. So overall fine there. And I think we need to clarify what to do with unknown statuses and cult rooms if they both exist in the future. I will leave it with this. Majority room is dumb get rid of it.


video games


what status did mystery roomers get

intensify has won every MR he’s been in
i think not.

Tl heavy
Luxy light
Nerbins cultist
Italy soulbound



I am that good at gaming

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Also would Mystery be better if everyone who picked the room received the exact same status?

everyone gets cursed and doesn’t know it

Intensify wins Minority Royale. Where have I seen that before?

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The hosts are rigging the game in his favor

I would like to see what happens if we just
entirely scrap the idea of negative rooms
Considering they’re the ones that are causing the most problems

most negative rooms are only good if you have a proper counterbalance

(the only valid counterbalance to death & cursed is rejuvenate, which is guaranteed to get you maj’d)

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mrr: tsunami edition


solution: majority spawns as normal but its always fake

Schrodinger’s Room: you have a 50% chance that the room you enter does not exist, commuting you
(you do not know if the room is real until you enter it)


finland: if you are the player in this room with the most or tied for most tangerines, you die

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ark: if only one member of a team pick this room, both die


Noah’s Ark: Up to 8 players can choose this room and live. Everyone else who enters after the first 8 die immediately.

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