capitalism: if both members of a team pick this room, they will get 1 tangerine each. if one member picks this room and the other doesnt, the player who picked this room will gain 2 tangerienes while the other player loses one.
space (the one place that has not been corrupted by captialism): all players who enter this room have their tangerines pooled together and redistributed evenly
mafia: everyone who picks this room may vote to eject kill someone in the room
whoever gets the most votes at the end of next phase dies
tax fraud: if you join this room and your teammate doesnt, you gain a tangerine and your teammate loses two. if you and your teammate both join this room, you both lose a tangerine.
Legion: This room appears to be a different detrimental room. Majority fails if all players enter this room. [Most rooms are Legion]
intensify stop winning
Give Intensify the Snake Charmer token, and let them survive to F3 with 2 evils alive.
new room
intense: if at least one player enters it, if intensify is in the game, he dies. if intensify is not in the game, his death will transfer over to the next minority rule he plays
new room
In Tents
Grants all players the ‘camper’ status
Important Announcement
new room
all players who do not enter receive the “boxed in” status effect
this does nothing
nya: nya.