Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

wait what

Big sadge

playing with friends


but I could multitask as the host

actually imma just multitask lol

My Turbo Rolelist

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Town Cop (If Targeted by the Doctor their result will come up as Mafia)
Town Tracker
Town Compulsive Doctor
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town

  1. clonedcheese
  2. PKR
  3. ArcticXI
  4. Appelsiini
  5. EliThePsycho
  6. Intensify

(if anyone else wants to join just ping me)

no don’t noooo

I like having myself suffer


run the turbo in a few hours so the thread can breathe and discuss MR For a bit :^)

(this is a suggestion not a mod enforceable command)

since people are getting free likes from posting their cat pictures here’s a picture of my biggest cat


ur cat looks weird

how could you say that about my cat

just being honest

probably will do that since I’m multitasking making food as well :^)

Oh yeah minority rule

11 Hours Until Phase ends. Get your picks in if you haven’t already!

(Pro tip; if you aren’t 100% confident you’ve submitted your pick, double check! You can DM it to me on the forums or on discord.)

Picking multiply glgl

Murder squad let’s go