Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

also i randed my action round 1 and then died for it

i was betrayed


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You were doomed from the start apparently

You deserve this win Intensify. I’m proud of you. See you all in three months now when my blacklisting is over. It weed could’ve been 2 months but I requested 3 months since I saw it as being more appropriate and feeling that I needed a 3 month long break from FM games after that last one.


when is the next one so i have an excuse to spam cat pics again


Go air

I think if I’d picked Air and you and Orange had gone Graveyard, maybe I win the next round? But even then it’s only us two left and the game just ends at that point with you winning because loltangerine

Final 2 only autoresolves if statuses have no way to end the game
(for example if you both would die no matter which room you chose and no status could stop it.)

If Intensify and orange had picked the room opposite to you, next round would NOT have auto resolved. If you and intensify picked different rooms, you would lose and Intensify would win due to the tiebreaker. If you and Intensify had picked the same room, you would SK him and i’d end the game before finishing resolving the phase since it technically happens before majority

You can send me cat pics any time you want on Discord. I love cats and cat pics.

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Huh, I see

Well that was a big-ass game

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I still call this a moral victory

Fun too. I really enjoyed it.

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You coulda just randed in private and had a much better chance

The biggest tragedy of this game was that we were 2 away from the haha funny number :sob:

Now where is dead chat

One away!!


No fun in that

we had 68

which is way funnier


1 away I believe.