Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Yeah Chloe is going into Life she said and I don’t think she’s gonna lie about that tbh.

Cause it’s gonna kill everyone else then

…Am I able to change rooms after I submit?


nope, you must now stay in life :^)

Ok cool

Your tricks won’t work on me :slight_smile:

Damn, I thought I was cool enough

you finally did the math

Life isn’t actually a bad choice to be honest…

But the thing is if everyone thinks like this then suddenly Life becomes majority and almost everyone dies.

Therefore you never pick Life or Majority unless Chloe does a gamer move

Change of plans: I’m going into the Murder room to get the SK status effect and then I’m coming into the same room as you and specifically stabbing you

good luck trying to guess what room i’m going to

I don’t want to know because I don’t care

O: <


Chloe has.

I don’t think it makes much sense to be greedy right from the start, as it just increases your chance to be among the first ones to drop out. I’d say it’ll be more efficient and safe to go for risky plays once you have a general idea on how the majority of the players think, since at this point we can’t know anything for sure.

I’m mostly writing this as a formal declaration of war for @WindwardAway because I have a hunch she picked the same room as me :tangerine:

i didn’t ask you nerd

Signal boosting for the 15th time jic

I’m going to Life
Life is where I am going

People assuming i have a strategy when in reality i dont care about this game and just want other people to be able to play past round 1


I’m in Earth

Can I give orangs to people?

I want to build a civilization using orangs as the one united galactic currency and then establish multiple political parties in order to turn this thread into a mini politics channel that doesn’t offend anyone

the last time we tried that people were offended