Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

establishing political parties always ends in bad times regardless of whether they want to eliminate all mosquitos


These political parties will debate over actual important topics and issues and not babble about the same damn 4 things over and over again

I’m in Betrayal

you don’t care about this game, but… you care about this game?

I care about other people’s enjoyment not mine

We both get orangs right if we’re both in it?

everyone who goes there gets an orang

you keep your total orangs throughout the whole game

Yes but since 2 people have already said they were gonna pick it (me and you App) it is mathematically smarter to not pick Betrayal for orang and pick something else that doesn’t already have 2 people right?

nope I’m picking orang

orang tasty

Orang is in the betrayal room bruh

Same room I was talking about

we tried to talk about important discussions, like what’s the best way to get rid of mosquitos

it doesn’t work

my solution was to abolish time

oh from other player’s perspective? they might want tasty orang too and that is ok

I see.

How would that help tho

okay so

have you ever seen mosquitos when time wasn’t a thing

Yea but if everyone thinks this and heads into the orang room suddenly Chloe wins…

Which I mean it could be worse but stil

No I have not.

that was my point

if we abolished time we can prove whether or not time is the thing allowing mosquitos to live