Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Yeah, soundtracks for a lot of the mods are very good too

I can’t fucking take it. I see a yellow and blue image posted and then I see it, I fucking see it. “Oh that looks kinda like a :joy_cat:” it started as. That’s funny, that’s a cool reference. But I kept going, I’d see a fridge that looked like :joy_cat:, I’d see an animated bag of chips that looked like :joy_cat:, I’d see a hat that looked like :joy_cat:. And every time I’d burst into an insane, breath deprived laugh staring at the image as the words BOXED IN ran through my head. It’s torment, psychological torture, I am being conditioned to laugh maniacly any time I see blue on a yellow object. I can’t fucking live like this… I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t! And don’t get me fucking started on the words! I’ll never hear the word joy again without thinking of :joy_cat:. Someone does something funny and I can’t say anything other than “:joy_cat:.” I could watch a man murder everyone I love and all I would be able to say is “IM BEING BOXED IN” and laugh like a fucking insane person. And the word “joy” is ruined. The phrase “boxed in” is ruined. I can’t live anymore. :joy_cat: has destroyed my fucking life. I want to box myself out from this plane of existence. MAKE IT STOP!


calamity is the shiiit


This got 7 likes in the span of two seconds what are you doing

ive never seen the like count go up so fast

:christmas_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :palm_tree: :tanabata_tree:

it is i gorta

:christmas_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :palm_tree: :tanabata_tree:

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everyone is sheeping eachother

Whether we win the game or lose the game is beside the argument. You choosing Earth, if you are a villager, is probably the worst single room choice in the history of room choices that I have ever seen, in my entire life, in 3 years, on MU, on POG, and I’ve been a host for 2 of them and played dozens. It is potentially one of the most anti-town actions I’ve laid my eyes on in my entire MR career. It is atrocious, dumbfounding, and inexcusable, and close to the border of gamethrowing. And sullies your entire effort to the game, so that your biggest contribution to the game is one in which you are literally indistinguishable to an outted wolf whose team has been decimated so far. Indeed, if you are a villager then wolves got an extra wolf, meaning that YOU ALONE are responsible for making this setup wolfsided. Think about that for a second.


In purely political terms, I recommend paying close attention to the praxeological method developed by the economist Ludwig von Mises and using it as a technique to free people from the spell of lexiphanicism that Any other room besides betrayal has cast over them. The praxeological method is useful in this context because it employs praxeology, the general science of human action, to explain why non-betrayal room advocatators sometimes uses the word histomorphologically when describing his microaggressions. Beware! This is a buzzword designed for emotional response. Time and time again non-betrayal and their flock have led us to disaster. To them I say no, not this time. Not again. This time, I plan to make it known that if you march with shrewish oligarchs and make common cause with shrewish oligarchs then you’re just as bad as shrewish oligarchs. If you don’t believe that such logic holds up, then perhaps you’ve forgotten that non-betrayal advocates has created a culture that insufficiently condemns morally crippled perverts who cast the world into nuclear holocaust. Under such conditions, it has become unsafe, not to say unfashionable, to argue that you should be sure to let me know your ideas about how to deal with the other rooms. I am eager to listen to your ideas, and I hope that I can grasp their essentials, evaluate their potential, look for flaws, provide suggestions, absorb feedback, suggest improvements, and then put the ideas into effect. Only then can we accentuate our universal humanity. Advocates for non betrayal asserts that this would be denying her, her birthright. Then again, she also proclaims that the norm shouldn’t have to worry about how the exceptions feel so I wouldn’t take her complaints too seriously. The take-away message of this letter is that advocates love of aspheterism and collectivism gives a new, perverse dimension to the old adage, De gustibus non est disputandum. We should hold these words to our bosom, use them as a shield against their inequities, and wield them unilaterally against those who would get on my nerves.

i dont speak icibalus

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Can’t wait for tModloader to update, don’t know if they’re also gonna implement some kind of bestiary

Betrayal good
non betrayal bad

mfw i had to intentionally sandbag my drawing to make it look like a joke at all

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Haha you said pog

I know that Hypixel Skyblock now uses a Beastiary (No clue about anything else or what you’re on about)

Serious question(since I understand this game is memey): Is nutella an alt?

we’re talking terrarrarria

Serious answer no

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