Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale


Ah right ici hasn’t gotten to the weather effects yet

The thing is that, apart from their one-star batters, every Crab hitter has this modification:

  • Flinch - Hitters with Flinch cannot swing their bat until a strike has been thrown at each At Bat.

What this essentially means is that Fourth Strike is cancelled out, because you’re guarenteed to always have a strike before a walk or a hit.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

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This is the most chaotic factor, which I will explain in a moment, once I remind myself of, you know
What exactly the weather effects in play this season are.

what if their pitcher sucks and throws 4 balls before any strikes though

no pitcher in the ILB is bad enough to do that

are they allowed to just hold their bat in place and hope the pitch hits it

We love you lars

stop interacting with the ici
it is bad for your health as her obsessions will quickly become your own

(In fairness Lars actually did get a Party Time boost to his pitching this season so it’s now slightly less garbage)

:b:efault :b:ance

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I have two bad ideas

take it from me
i talk with her about the ira for a minute and so I wanna denonate some carbombs near easterminster

Here are the weather effects that could be in play in every game:

  • Sun 2 - If a team gets 10 runs, they lose those 10 runs, and get a Win™. The game continues.
  • Black Hole - If a team gets 10 runs, they lose those 10 runs, and their opponent loses a Win™. The game continues.
  • Solar Eclipse - At random, players may get INCINERATED BY ROGUE UMPIRES.
  • Reverb - At random, the rosters of both teams may get shuffled midgame.
  • Feedback - At random, players may occasionally swap teams.
  • Bloodrain - Players can siphon blood from other players at random, redistributing stats.
  • Flooding - At random, a Flood™ may trigger, sweeping all players currently on base into Elsewhere, and causing them to miss every game until they return to the real world.
  • Birds - i don’t even fucking know how to explain this one
  • Peanuts - nor this one
  • Coffee - Players may become Tired or Wired at random. Players who are Tired score 0.5 runs if they reach home, players who are Wired score 1.5 runs if they reach home.
  • Coffee 2 - Players may get Free Refills, which… again, that’s complicated.
  • Coffee 3 - Pitchers may become Triple Threats, causing them to score Unruns (removing runs from opponents) if there are 3 runners on base, a runner on 3rd base, or 3 balls on the count, whenever they strike out a batter. For each condition met, a Triple Threat pitcher will remove 0.3 runs from their opponents’ score.

any questions

force looks fun im going there

who asked

This information is important

Also wasn’t flooding also available this season or am I mistaken

Wait no I can’t read carry on