[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Whisper ZoneQ11


@CRichard564 @Aelin You or Light mechanically has to be the alien biologist
Start shooting eachother

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I wasted my shot on Italy :frowning:

It was a good idea at the time

Also, it could’ve been App. We don’t get to know because murderlol

@KyoDaz why don’t you use your little fun fact™ to ask if Apprentice was an Alien-Aligned Biologist at the time he died?

Already used it to remove Gorta from Biologist PoE and confirm myself

Oh, well that was a pretty good use then

I can confirm this.

Guess we’re back to this then. Okay, I volunteer to die! :slight_smile:

That does not make sense because the game is still continuing and we have 4 greenchecks, a confirmed pet and me all alive.

Unless you are saying there is an extra random alien or that Apprentice chose to convert someone that early on.

The fact that I got Kyo to confirm Gorta to remove Gorta from PoE shows my intentions are good.

Well, I mean, App seemed pretty fucked, it would make sense for him to convert someone that early on

Are we going to wait for @clonedcheese and @Geralt_of_Rivia to shoot either L1ght or Richard?

Why would he not convert the pet?
Or me?

Biologist also makes the player converted alien aligned.

Therefore according to yourself, Appel (Another VERY logical convert) and Cheese both were not converted.

This basically gets rid of the possibility of Apprentice being the biologist.
Leaving you and CRich.

Fun fact that I have said at least twice already: I can not detect converts.

Where does it say this, L1ght

I can detect alien roles. I can not detect alien-aligned players.

N telling me in my classcard that my role can only detect alien roles that aren’t the sympathizer