[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Well, we only have 3 people with shots left.

Fun fact: if it had been anyone but the biologist, this game would be fricking over

I am one of those people
Gorta claimed to me right off the bat and Iā€™m not sure if his role is public


It is not.

Right so we canā€™t mechanically confirm any of them, then

Do you mind saying what Gorta claimed?

Also, I canā€™t prove myself to still be the hybrid, so Iā€™m fine with being the airlock tomorrow

blame wazza

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I know. I tried.

pointing out
we have three passengers

If you do not want to say Gortaā€™s claim publicly then whisper me Kyo.

Gorta claimed a very, very convert potential role
I donā€™t think Alien claims it because theyā€™d get sussed for being convert potential

Whisper KyoDaz


I donā€™t think itā€™s me nor Kyo

I claimed to Zone and Kyo claimed to me

Letā€™s hope it was app tbqg

I wonā€™t say here, but maybe in whisper

I can confirm this FWIW.

Me lying would require me bussing a scum down D1. You do realize that, right?

That would be called gamethrowing. :expressionless:

ā€¦hey. What about the lying Science Officer?

Biologist poe is down to L1ght and CRich.

@KyoDaz so who is your shot

/murder CRichard

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