[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)



@Aelin yesterday you wanted to be shot. What changed?

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s confirmed that at least Appel isnā€™t, considering Magnus swapped PKR into her spot

Thereā€™s nobody left with shots and our quartermaster is dead is what changed

and I am taking a break this time

that doesnā€™t swap alignment

Appel would become a dead alien aligned whatever PKR was if Appel was infected before being killed

Well, PKR is confirmed to be good and Appel is dead so it doesnā€™t matter

Ignore me because of your own mistake then, alright.

anyway, I am out

That would require Hacker to be here, and if that was the case, we would know sooner or later. You have a higher chance of doing harm to town if you happen to be converted or the Symphatizer, than you taking a 1/11 chance when we donā€™t know if Hacker is even present.

Or I could do whatā€™s called a progamer move and do literally nothing at night then?

Itā€™s better than, you know, wasting an ability that is powerful to Town on a fellow Town?

ā€¦Youā€™re literally contradicting yourself here.

As I said; you either do massive harm to town if youā€™re evil, or take a very small chance of doing good when we donā€™t know if your ability even matters at all anymore.

Why are you so eager to keep taking that small chance? No one asides from Magnus has been hacked as far as we know.

And setting that aside; why do you choose to get defensive now? Zone told you the exact same thing earlier.

I didnā€™t read your full post, I thought you were saying all I do is massive harm to Town in general if I use my second ability.

Itā€™s called doing nothing.

Yes, and I claimed that hack because W2 a certain someone decided that no, I canā€™t do anything, and instead of trying to occupy a player who can actually be scum with a pretty high chance, instead you decided to occupy me.

Because youā€™re in the thread.
And youā€™re the one who made the mistake.
Soā€¦thatā€™s why, and Iā€™m not getting defensive, Iā€™m just calling you stupid.

Magnus is confirmed as Trans Chief. Appel, PKR and I can confirm this.

I can understand where you are coming from, but if you truly believe that L1ght is town, then you need to put more effort in hunting the converts, rather than stopping the people who push for L1ghtā€™s airlock.

Has to be Technician. I am NOT going to believe that there is an Ambassador setup + 1 extra alien. This means that I donā€™t believe in the Sympathizerā€™s existence either. (Itā€™s just going to be a goose chase if we search for a role that might not exist.)

Thenā€¦ just nominate him?

According to my POE, heā€™s either Ensign or Security.

Pretty sure I didnā€™t say anything about ā€œgetting defensive nowā€ in this game.

I literally cannot know if youā€™re town or not when you have been doing nothing the entire game. Iā€™ve seen this kind of mindset too many times, so Iā€™m gonna drop this useless argument here. People arenā€™t going to townread you for existing, donā€™t expect not to be doubted. Save the insults, I was doing what I deemed to be the safest choice.

I meant when you talked about Wazzaā€™s abilities in general, but letā€™s just leave it be.

Yeah, Iā€™ll try to do that. What do you think about the people in my PoE?