[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Alrighty then

Mind sharing with the class, then?

We deny the existence of the fourth alien, but we already got Richard dead soā€¦ we kill the rest?

The problem is though: Assuming we kill all aliens, what do we do about the converts?

So basically
Solve socially in the socially solving game

I can confirm this.
I was searching for the Biologist Alien so I thought of a clever way to go about it.

The problem is that if I was an alien I would claim a role that can check my neighbors and hide as an alien in plain site

I confirm this

there isnā€™t an issue, as we kill the converters and I can just stall till we kill every convert

I am thinking we just jettison light today

Now that I think about it, unless weā€™ve gotten the biologist already, this game is over.

Reasoning: If evil bio is alive, they just convert gorta if they havenā€™t already, weā€™re either forced to kill gorta, or gorta yeets us to the secret destination. Then, they can just convert someone tomorrow and win no matter what anyway.

That is why I stabbed CRichard

Anyway, airlocking gorta is off the table because if heā€™s converted, itā€™s game over anyway, and if heā€™s not, then we still have a chance.

Back to my list, that leaves Kyo

By PoE, Kyo or CRich is the ambassador

(if weā€™re going to go with the idea that App was the biologist)

That was never an option because itā€™s true that a convert gorta could rush to the destination, but if we have several converts there is a chance we can still win this by putting them in the airlock and stalling this ship

That makes absolutely no sense because CRichard had to have been the evil biologist


Youā€™re literally assuming things based off of mechanics

No, Iā€™m being idealistic.

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