[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I accept

I am interested.

i am online now; will try to process nominations and votes

gorta nommed Light.
Light nommed Kyo.
No votes so far; literally zero votes.


someone correct if that is not correct

will assume right for now

Aye. With that said, we have 7 hours and 30 minutes before another random player dies.
ā€¦and we currently have zero votes for a warp.

NGL, this is concerning. What is everyone whispering about?

No idea.

Didnā€™t Kyo ask you for a whisper?
Why donā€™t you ask him whatā€™s going on?

Kyo asked me for a whisper; I asked him what for, he didnā€™t respond.
Left it at that.

Humu. Fair. ā€¦wanna whisper?


Most people donā€™t exactly out what they want to whisper about, you know?
ā€“but if you really have to know: I just want to know your view of our current state and ask about your POE.

Hmmā€¦ no thanks. That seems fairly unnecessary :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks anyway.

Oh. Right. I didnā€™t see that question.
Itā€™s to discuss mech plans that I wouldnā€™t like scum to be able to predict.

ā€¦welp. Okay.
I guess we donā€™t need the social in social deduction in this gameā€¦

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See, this is really interesting.
This catches my interest.


Okay, Iā€™ll justā€¦
Wait for EODā€¦

Youā€™re really caught on the social aspect.
You see, Iā€™m not very good at social.
Iā€™m good at deduction.
Which requires social skills, yes, but I have different social skills than most players here.
So Iā€™ll focus on deduction.

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Alright then youā€™re back.

Good for you. T-T :+1: