[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Can we stop whispering outed wolves

/whisper Magnus

Mole was Predator.
So his claim is correct.
He is evil, ergo confirming the Evil or Crew side.

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Since Iā€™m confirmed good, whatā€™s there to lose?

You arenā€™t confirmed good
At all


/Whisper request Kyo

I beg to differ.

You are confirmed Transporter Chief
Not ship-aligned, in any regard


Wellā€¦ since I highly doubt you are giving us a run around.
There is an Ambassador, the alien biologist, the Ambassador extra alien, the convert yesterday and the one today all to account for.

I know for certain that Mole is none of these as he was predator.
We know for certain that Italy is none of these as he was Pet.
I know for certain that Appelsini is now Quartermaster, so it is not them.

We are looking for 3 actual aliens and 2 converts between you, CRich, App and everyone alive.


CRichard whispered an outed wolf.
99% sure he was Queen > Biologist
Itā€™s just whether or not he used his convert ability last night

I whispered Mole too because I was wondering WTF was his plan.
So, I do not quite use that to condemn CRich.

/Whisper Request @PokemonKidRyan

Againā€¦ really?
Why do I feel like it would be more pointless stuff?

:crossed_swords: :alien:

App - Ambassador
Moleland - Predator
CRichard - Queen > Biologist
Convert #1 - ???
Convert #2 (If CRichard converted last night, or N1) - ???

This is the gamesolve atm
Weā€™re convert hunting

Did Magnus confirm the swap between CRich and Zone?
If not then Magnus needs to do that.

Wazza hacked Magnus n1.

Thatā€™s an accept, right?