[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)


Aww. I guess no one wants to play One lie, one truth then.


I thought this was the Predator?

ā€¦too big. Narrow down the POE plz.
How about you evaluate Appelā€™s POE?

Moleland is trying to entice people into playing his bloody playground games as an excuse to whisper people

So we basically have to guess?
Thenā€¦ you cannot quite jump to the conclusions you have.
But, I guess it is an attempt nevertheless.

Did you say the info you got from the computer today yet?

No, I explained why Apprentice canā€™t be starting Queen

Shouldnā€™t be at least ^^

I want to resolve a talk with Magnus before I give this.

/Whisper request @Italy


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Do you mind just whispering me the info now so I can continue to PoE?

/whisper @Magnus

Accept this, please

Assuming Richard was the OG Queen, the convert shouldā€™ve been converted during D2. Plus, I was the Queen ever since SoD2.


On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being itā€™s incredibly important to you, and 10 being important to everybody else, how important is it?

5, assuming ā€˜everyone elseā€™ isnā€™t including the Aliens

NGL only deepwolves would not wanna whisper me. Just saying

Can it be delayed?