[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I was asking of I was a trustworthy player on the last 72 hours?

Your trustworthiness card vanished along with your role when you was airlocked tbh.

I see. I understand though. Itā€™s my own fault for being so unreliable. I wish I could die from self-loathing

Hey, do not even try to be me :angry:



I think itā€™s going to be determined by Cheeseā€™s results. I get that cloned could be converted, but in a social game who would convert cheese?

Me. I would

Cheese? Why him? He can only detect aliens, and we should have all aliens dead by now.
All thatā€™s left should have been only converts.

Look at my ToS forums PFP x3


Cheese canā€™t detect converts?


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If cheese canā€™t detect converts then my plan goes out the window

Nope. He can only detect alien-roles. Converts are ship-roles.


I kind of donā€™t like PKR as much today for messaging Mole and Kyo for well just slipping for me

In other words, pretty much the same as my plans.
ā€¦welp. This ainā€™t good at all.

So, Wazza is also a suspect now

I am fairly sure that everyone alive is a suspect.
ā€¦I think we have reached the point of 100% social deduction with literally zero leads.

So Iā€™m not allowed friends now? Man, Thatā€™s harsh