[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

this is saying that his greenchecks can turn red

this indicates infection

this indicates that he won’t know if a green check turns red

on the biologist

Do we know if anyone has softed or claimed guard or not?

I haven’t seen anyone claiming protectives as far as I can tell :thinking: .

:red_circle: > :green_circle:
:no_entry_sign: :green_circle: > :red_circle:

Problem: I have a chance to be a miller, Italy is a miller

Better idea: Ask if all of the greenchecks are accurate.

Italy or I could go in the brig, we don’t have any active abilities and it would be cool to be protected

I mean, transferring me or Italy somewhere could be good

Redcheck = Greencheck
Not Greencheck = Redcheck

This literally does it for me.
Well my question does this.

Those are inequalities Kyo

You good?

…Aliens can turn ship-aligned, but ship-aligned people can’t turn into aliens?

Yes but Italy is making absolutely no sense

Guards if you’re reading this, try not to make it obvious to the Aliens who you are for now.

Ok, Italy.
Let us take this step by step.

You are cop (Hence the policeman) who appears as red despite being green?

This is pretty fun, ngl. A petition to have a Pet in every game (no pun intended)

:wolf: :policeman: :red_circle: > :green_circle: :heart: :syringe:
:wolf: :cop: :red_circle: = :red_circle: :cat:

I’m sure Italy is enjoying it very much

Are you certain that that Hybrid’s and pet’s passives don’t count as biological

A wolf guard will stop a biologist checking people


:wolf: :red_circle: :policeman: :cat:
:wolf: :green_circle: :policeman: :heart: :syringe: