[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Well… that’s helpful.

We established this like an hour ago

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:heart: :syringe:
:ambulance: :no_entry_sign:

I know that, it’s in the damn op, but I was asking if that was what Italy was getting at

Italy’s probably losing his shit in his classcard.
If he can communicate normally there, that is lol

Are you trying to mention this Italy


Right, what about it


Oh, two abilities up?

This one

:biohazard: = :green_circle: :heart: :syringe:
:biohazard: = :red_circle: :cat:

you can’t detect people who are infected
only actual starting aliens


Well it’s true. This is a new discovery.

Repeating the same message will not help us

I give up, see ya guys tomorrow

He’s saying he’ll be redhecked

Well yes we’ve already established this