[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

That’s a possibility


Respond with the emoji corresponding to whatever the fuck you're talking about

Biologist :upside_down_face:

Galley Officer :stuck_out_tongue:

Science Officer :thinking:

Communications Officer :unamused:

Medical Officer :eyes:

Security :sob:

Engineer :confused:

Navigator :heart_eyes:

Technician :slight_smile:

Ensign :sunglasses:

Quartermaster :cake:

Transporter Chief :+1:

Guard :frowning:

Stowaway :man_facepalming:

Hybrid :clown_face:

VIP :male_detective:

Pet :female_detective:

Queen :bride_with_veil:

Hivemind :woman_mage:

Influencer :superhero:

Reanimator :mrs_claus:

Predator :policeman:

Contaminator :woman_cook:

Hacker :man_technologist:

Informant :bone:

Ambassador :tongue:

Sympathizer :facepunch:

Hosts, I love you but at the same time f you lmao.
This is awesomely confusing.

Alien equals to a town who got infected
And also a scum

Holy shit, this is clever.

@Italy which is these emojis do you think corresponds to my class if you’ve been able to figure it out.


“Invest should check town who eants to get infected”?

  • wants

Aka Gorta?

That is a cypher and is forbiden to use by pet udner risk of modkill.


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:upside_down_face: :syringe: :mag_right: :biohazard: = :green_circle:
:female_detective: :mag_right: :biohazard: = :red_circle:


@Italy stop stop stop

If that was the case, he would’ve just used Gorta’s pfp.

…welp thats a modkill



Oh f.

Oh my.

L1ght don’t get Italy mod killed. i swear if you get Italy mod killed, there are consequences.


Errrr, if I may be technical.
Italy is able to use cyphers that Italy thinks of up to 5 times.
Technically this could be a cypher different to what we thought of… therefore modkilling Italy would be unfair.

So… Italy should not be modkilled.

I won’t refuse a check