[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

You’re not wrong.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they made this into a FM role for one of their games.

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Don’t kill the ship pet or I’m whacking everyone who had a part in getting Italy killed.


I didn’t have a part so go for it.

Hi everyone. So Italy is pet or no pet spawned this game I guess

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Ima go sleep for now

PKR i do agree with your plan except:

  1. why simp over let’s say the queen
  2. i dont trust you


:no_entry_sign: :speaking_head:

the ship catgirl

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Anywayyy, my gut instinct is that Gorta is trying to act like Gorta wants to become an alien because Gorta is already one and wants to buy time by acting TWTBAW.

So, I will try and do this and hope it is accepted.

/Vote Gorta for Jettison/Punishment Time/Airlock

Is Their a reason to not nominate Italy as Captain?

:ballot_box: :no_entry_sign:

… brb gonna go draw the country of italy as a catgirl

What do you mean by 1?
2 I can sort out at some point.

Other than the fact that Italy can’t vote?

Cuz no trusto

Might as well just have no captain

You cannot vote someone for airlock before they have been nominated.

You… Can’t ne nominated as Captain?

Like almost 100% the first.

Pet can’t be nominated as captain because OwO what’s this pet being captain.

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/Nominate Gorta for all of what I said there