[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

You have joined my friend circle. This is non negotiable.

those cans in the back are just coke cans

They just happened to have the original recipe with actual coke in them, right?

Then we have a problem.

It was just from the mall shop, not your fault

Low effort meme.

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I can’t walk in a straight line, but it’s because I’m a clumsy fuck

inb4 light is the parasite queen and Appel is infected

I dunno what that means but it sounds fun

I should probably refresh myself on this stuff

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Anyone wanna play me in chess?

It’s the ‘you get a car, and you get a car; everyone gets a car’ meme.

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Yes please

I was talking to gorta, sorry

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https://play.chess.com/WHVu @Appelsiini

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I’ve seen that episode.

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Appel vs L1ght who will win this battle of minds? OwO

How do I do this
It sent me to main menu I think

Click the link again maybe? You need to make an account

Ah, alright. One sec