[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

…wait this just means that Zone’s the queen


which would make zone a ship-aligned queen

which would make zone a ship-aligned queen


Kamakura kamakura yass queen.

I don’t get that reference but still bad

That is correct, and seeing that I am still ship-aligned, the Queen must either be a slanker, or they must have converted someone else by now.

/whisper clonedcheese

If I’m going to die like this, I’ll be sad. I’m relying on forum games to keep me alive during this summer break, sniff


/shoot @Apprentice, if I still can

@eevee @N.1

For obvious reasons, I trust Appel more than Apprentice

for reasons I trust apprentice more than appel

For some reason I get the feeling you didn’t like my RT yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

…PKR if you’re still on here

i’d really like to talk to you

/whipser @PokemonKidRyan

Zone, shall I or not?

Dude. I told you that QM told me that Mole was Predator.
Apprentice claimed that Predator was not in the game.

Nah, you don’t have to.

…I need to read

i don’t trust appel that much tho

I did not see this
Very interesting

It is not a matter of trust: It is a matter of proof.
QM’s and Appel’s logs are proof that Apprentice is lying.

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/Vote Apprentice for Airlock
Unless anyone CCs QM, App is lying.
So… yeah.