[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Refusing this would either mean that QM and Appel are both the real aliens, or that one of them is the real alien while the other got converted by the alien-aligned Biologist.

…I’d rather believe that the OG Queen is a slanker though.

We can’t vote yet, since 12 hours have yet to pass.

We can vote lol.

/vote Apprentice for Airlock

We vote to skip to night phase, not skip to the phase where we kill people.

The problem is… Hold on, did someone lie to me?
@Italy, you ARE the Pet, right?

If anyone BUT Italy claimed Pet then they would be dead by now because everyone has not talked in emotes.

We cannot vote for an airlock NOR for a Warp until the 12 hours minimum has passed.
This was LITERALLY designed this way to prevent insta-airlocks like what we are doing right now.

Tbh I thought it was just for a warp vote you have to wait 12 hours.

just woke up. and false

only warp votes are restricted for the first twelve hours (as a warp hammer is the only thing capable of ending the day). Airlock nominations and votes votes are not


Yes, but “what if Italy is not the Pet”?
Something isn’t adding up to me.
Transporter Chief is either Magnus or Geralt. This is decided by POE.
Queen is suspected to be a slanker, otherwise I would’ve been converted by now.
Geralt is by far the biggest slanker alive, while Magnus is currently asleep.

For me to still not be converted, the Queen would have to be Magnus, since Geralt is townconfirmed by Italy the Pet. But if that is the case… then why the heck did Geralt choose me?

–okay, it can make sense, but we need Geralt to come over.

So… ping their ass?


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Oh. …in that case:
Appel, PKR and Wazza voted for Apprentice’s exe.
Apprentice voted for Appel’s exe.

/airlock exe Apprentice
/airlock pardon Appel

Also, both Apps shot each other. This has yet to be resolved.

I’m confused, do aliens have conversion? I know if nobody is airlocked queen can convert someone, but otherwise I don’t see that anywhere

Aliens are honestly seeming very underpowered right now

can someone quote this for me as well as any other shots? I need to see the order of shots

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Wazza beat me to it :frowning:


I beat a lot of things.

Queen can convert someone once, so if Apprentice is the Ambassador, then we might be playing with a converted player as well. Hopefully App was the Queen though, which would mean that he got occ’ed by Appel. (Unless Appel is Ambassador who bussed Apprentice, but I honestly doubt it.)

I’m going to ignore this because I don’t want to know what it means <3

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Wait is infection the same as conversion
Am I an i.dot?